Inductor SimulationThis is a Java simulation of an air-core inductor. You should see an applet (below) with slidercontrols to select the coil's dimensions and wire size.
Air Core Inductor Design Software
See.)Note this is only the coil and does not include a projectile. How to Calculate InductanceThis program calculates inductance using Wheeler's Formula:where N = number of turns, A = average coil radius, B = coil length, and C = coil thickness.All dimensions are in inches and the result is microhenries.
The simulator handles all necessaryconversions to metric and millihenries.The simulator will incidentally give you other handy information, such as the number of turnsand the length of wire needed.Your goal in this simulator is to design a coil with a certain amount of inductance. You shouldhave already chosen a target inductance value somehow, perhaps by experimentingwith the program. Here you can try various wire sizesand physical dimensions to see what happens. The idea is to design a coil which can be physicallybuilt, and which has a reasonably low amount of resistance.Q. What is a circular mil?A. Unit of measure used to define the area of a wire.
The area of a circle one one-thousandth(0.001) inches in diameter.Q. Why are the 'mm' wire sizes (under the 'Next Wire' button) slightly different thanin the results panel?A. The 'mm' wire size is what you would order from a manufacturer. The results panelshows the average diameter of actual wire; it may vary by a few percent from the 'mm' size. Trouble?This program requires Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 1.4 or above.
Please visit todownload and install the JRE. Or, if you write Java code then get the software developer's kit(SDK) by following links on Sun's web site.If my applet still doesn't work, try to open your Java Console window in your web browser. Copyand paste its contents into a message and for trouble-shooting. About the ProgramThe program was written in Java using AWT classes.My Java source code is open and freely available:.
runs the user interface andsimulates the coil. (and )is a helper class that describes characteristics of copper wire, using values graciously suppliedby, a manufacturer of wires for electromagnets. (and )is another helper class to round numbers and work with scientific notationPlease report bugs, request features, make suggestionsand aboutthis simulator.
Air Core Inductor Design Program For Free
Site news. The new cross-platform 64-bit version of the application named Coil64 is now available. See more. The calculating of the single layer air core solenoid with the rectangular wire available in the Coil64 app (new!). There are versions Coil64 for 32-bit & 64-bit Windows, MacOS and 64-bit Linux -, that allows calculating: single-layer and multilayer air core inductors, toroidal air core coil inductance, inductors on ferrite rings, in pot core, flat coils on the PCB, and also LC tank parameters. The program has additional plugins to calculate another manner of coils.
Air Core Inductor Design Program Free
There are versions for 32 & 64-bit Windows, Linux, MacOS & Android platforms. In what of an advantage of this software before analogs?. The program calculates the inductance of different species of inductor design.